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07 Jul 2020

How to Charge Your Electric KIA?

By Joost Gerrits
  • Read time: 3 minutes
Electric vehicle charging is a vital consideration for every EV owner. There are three primary categories of EV charging, rapid, fast, and slow. Each of them represents the power outputs and therefore charging speeds, available to charge cars. Rapid chargers offer the quickest way to charge an EV. What’s the best way to charge your KIA EV?

They can be grouped into ultra-rapid and rapid. The former can charge your car at 100 kW and up to 350 kW and are direct current only. The UK's rapid charging infrastructure mainly consists of conventional rapid points. They usually charge at 50 kW DC, with 43 Kw AC rapid charging often available.

Fast chargers usually provide power from 7 kW to 22 Kw and require 3 to 4 hours to charge an electric car fully. The most common charging point in the country is a 7 kW untethered Type 2 inlet. Tethered connectors are available for both Type and Type 2 connectors.

On the other hand, slow units provide between 3 kW and 6 Kw and are designed for overnight charging. Pure electric vehicles need between 8 and 12 hours to be fully charged while PHEV 2-4 hours. They are commonly referred to as 3 kW points. Kia electric cars charge on slow devices using cables that connect the vehicle to a three-pin or Type 2 socket.

Kia e-Soul

Types of EV Chargers

For you to charge your EV, you have to plug into a charger connected to the electric grid. This is also known as electric vehicle supply equipment. EV chargers are usually categorized into three, based on the maximum amount of power they provide to the battery from the grid.

Level 1
The chargers provide charging through a 120 V AC plug. The units do not require the installation of additional charging equipment. Level 1 chargers can provide between 2 and 5 miles of range per hour of charging.

Level 2
They charge electric vehicles through a 240 V or 208 V plug. You need to install additional charging equipment when using level 2 chargers. The units can deliver up to 20 miles of range per hour of charging. They are designed for home, work, and public charging. It usually is the most ideal solution for charging your electric car at home and perfectly suit your KIA e-NIRO or KIA e-SOUL.

DC Fast Charge
The units charge cars through 480 V AC input. Also, they require the use of highly specialized, high-powered equipment and the installation of special equipment in a vehicle.

Usually, electric vehicles have more battery capacity than plug-in hybrid cars. Therefore, it will take longer for you to charge a fully-depleted EVs. In addition to the above types of chargers, wireless charging involves the use of an electromagnetic field to transfer electricity to a car without a cord. You can find wireless chargers for some vehicle models.

How to Charge Your Electric KIA on Public Networks

The number of public charging networks in the UK has been increasing over time. Some of them offer nationwide coverage, while others can only be used in specific regions. Regional ones are usually designed to cover well-defined areas such as London and the South West.

Many of them are operated by or have links with national networks. This enables EV owners with national accounts to use points within the regional networks. The level of access will depend on a network and a specific charge point.

Payment and access methods vary from one public network to another. However, all of them need to offer ad-hoc access. Most of them provide access through an application or a website.

This means there’s no need for prior registration or signing up for an account. Some EV charging points are free to use, while others require users to pay. The charging tariffs are usually based on the cost per energy consumed. Some service providers set a price per charging time.

How to Charge Your KIA EV at Home

Charging an electric vehicle at home is often the most convenient and cost-effective method. The government offers grants to enable residents to install home EV charge points. At 50five we provide full-installed charge points. Most home chargers are rated between 3 kW and 7 kW.

Usually, higher-powered wall-mounted units are more expensive than slower options. The chargers can reduce the time required to fully charge an electric car significantly, depending on a model.

Zappi EV charger

Charging Your KIA at Work

Many organizations are now installing EV charging units for use by employees and visitors. The installation of chargers at the workplace has been found to help companies attract new customers. Although the charging points are similar to home-based ones, their capacity for most units ranges between 7 kW and 22 Kw.

Many firms have double sockets to allow users to charge two vehicles at a time. This also helps to reduce the need for a company’s fleet to rely on expensive public networks. There are grants and capital allowances for workplace charging units. Some organizations allow customers to access charging points for free while others at a low fee.

Do you want the charging station mounted on the wall or on a pole?
Is the charging station for business or private use?

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Written by Joost Gerrits

Joost is a real EV enthusiast. He shares all his findings, news, tips and tricks through fun and informative blogs. In addition, you can find him every now and then on the 50five YouTube channel with cool videos!